There is nothing like a dream to create the future - Victor Hugo
Year: <span>2017</span>

Retaining Walls and Right of Ways

Have you ever driven by a recent road improvement project and noticed that the city/county has taken a good portion of the property owner’s front yard for street/sidewalk and/or utility improvement?  What most people don’t realize is the portions of the landscaping that were destroyed and taken were not actually …

Thinking Long Term – Book Of Business Week 6

Thinking Long Term It is difficult to think long term in this business particularly in our current market. With limited inventory, responsiveness to buyers takes precedent to almost everything. Unfortunately, not thinking long term makes us victim to every new market change that comes around the corner. It becomes a …

Access By Private Right of Way

  I often receive questions concerning access to properties.   Below are descriptions of the different types of property access by private right of way. . Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have questions or if you need assistance.  I always enjoy hearing from you.   In addition …

Seller’s Checklist

Prior to Escrow Signing: -All contact information to Escrow, this includes home & cell phone, email, etc. -Fill out Statement of Information form, if required (provided by Escrow Officer). -Fill out Information Request form (provided by the Escrow Officer). Be sure to provide complete and accurate account numbers, social security …

King County’s On Site Sewage Requirement

        How can King County’s Regulations of On-Site Sewage (OSS) impact the closing process? When a property served by a septic system is being sold or transferred, the seller must record a Notice of On-site Sewage System Operation and Maintenance Requirements (OSSM) at the King County Recorder’s …