Things to Think About
Things to Think About At the end of the day am I in control of my business or does my business control me? Am I taking enough time to enjoy my family and those around me? Do I have a clear plan for retirement and am I making …
Things to Think About At the end of the day am I in control of my business or does my business control me? Am I taking enough time to enjoy my family and those around me? Do I have a clear plan for retirement and am I making …
Ii is important to take the time to accumulate and analyze what has happened in your business. The easiest way to do this is to take several hours if necessary, and pull all of the appropriate numbers so you can make logical decisions instead of emotional decisions regarding what you …
HAVE FAITH You’ve picked a sound, proven plan and you have shared your plan with your business coach or someone you respect and trust. It is a plan that includes physical interaction with new people to develop new business and maintain your Book of Business through physical interaction. Your plan …
What do I want? How often do we take the time to think about what we actually want? How often do we take time to evaluate our path, to define our progress and even decide if it’s the right path? Life moves fast, and even faster if you’re a real …
Six Methods to Change Your Desire for Material Wealth into its Financial Equivalent Fix in your mind the exact amount of money you desire. Determine exactly what you intend to give in return for the money you desire. Establish a date when you intend to possess the …
Thinking Long Term It is difficult to think long term in this business particularly in our current market. With limited inventory, responsiveness to buyers takes precedent to almost everything. Unfortunately, not thinking long term makes us victim to every new market change that comes around the corner. It becomes a …