There is nothing like a dream to create the future - Victor Hugo
Category: <span>Book of Business</span>

Book of Business – Week Five

The Importance of Client Appreciation Events Nothing makes a client feel more valued than a client event. Want to see the effects? Just try it. Your client base appreciates it when you go above and beyond. Invite a client to a special event, whether they attend or not they will …

Book of Business – Week Four

But I never seem to have enough time, and always seem to get behind!  Let’s face it, often times this business is chaos. When it’s happening, it’s happening. Days come and go. By the time we lift our heads to take a breath three months have gone by. Showings, listings, …

Your Book of Business – Week Three

“I can’t control when someone within my Book of Business needs my services, I can only control that when they do, they call me”.  I’ve got my database compiled, so now what? Depending on how well the information has been maintained the likelihood is that your database needs some level …

Your Book of Business – Week Two

“I can’t control when someone within my Book of Business needs my services, I can only control that when they do, they call me”. The core of generating referrals from your client base or Book of Business is the relationship you have with those individuals.  Unfortunately, many of us have …

Your Book of Business – Week One

  Of all the “tiers” of business the one that is most important is your Book of Business. The “light at the end of the tunnel” for all professional sales careers is when after many years of prospecting and new business generation, we get to transition into a more referral …