Category: Education
Scam Shams and Charades
Scams Shams and Charades If you are interested in learning more about scams and fraud in the real estate industry, this free continuing education class is for you. Learn more on Thursday February 27th from 11 am -2 pm. Pre-register with the following link. Scams Shams and Charades.
Economic Summit 2020
If you are interested in attending the Economic Summit 2020 class on January 9, 2020, please click: and you will be directed to the class information website and registration link. *Please note this does not provide clock hour credits. Additional details are below.
Protect Yourself Against Cyberfraud
Practice these safety measures to help protect yourself against Cyberfraud I wanted to share with you some tips to help protect yourself against the ever increasing threat of Cyberfraud. These measures will help to prevent against cyber-attacks and unauthorized access to your electronic devices. If you do have any questions, I would love …