There is nothing like a dream to create the future - Victor Hugo
Category: <span>Education</span>

Comparing Condos and Co-ops

Occasionally I’m asked the difference between a Condominium and a Co-op. I thought you would find this information helpful when listing your next Condo or Co-op. If you do have any questions, I would love to hear from you. Condominiums: Ownership: Buying a condominium means you own the real estate, including an interest in common areas. Fees: Condominiums charge …

GTOs or Geographical Targeting Orders

Occasionally I am asked about the enforcement of Geographic Targeting Orders (GTOs) and who is affected by its regulation. I thought you would find this information helpful. What is GTO and Who is Affected? On May 14, 2019, the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) announced the renewal of its Geographic Targeting Orders …

Social Engineering

Common Techniques of Social Engineering: Phishing: This is the most common type of attack used in social engineering. Phishing seeks to obtain personal information. Phishing commonly uses shortened or embedded links that redirect users to suspicious websites in URLs that appear legitimate. Phishing tends to incorporate threats, fear, and a …

Attorney-in-Fact VS Power of Attorney

A common misnomer is to refer to the person who you have designated to make legal decisions on your behalf as your “Power of Attorney”. The most Succinct way to refer to this person would be as your “Attorney in Fact”. The “Power of Attorney” only refers to the document needed to designate the person …