There is nothing like a dream to create the future - Victor Hugo
Have Faith

Have Faith

HAVE FAITHbook of business
You’ve picked a sound, proven plan and you have shared your plan with your business coach or someone you respect and trust. It is a plan that includes physical interaction with new people to develop new business and maintain your Book of Business through physical interaction. Your plan is a proven route and you know it’s the right plan. Throw away self-doubt, stick to your plan and don’t stop.

All good plans take time to develop. It’s so tempting to switch plans when we don’t see immediate results. You talk to someone in the office who is going a different direction and you start to question your plan. It is tempting to go a different direction. Don’t.

We ALL KNOW progress takes time. We all know the hardest route is usually the best route. We all know it’s so easy to give up and change plans when we don’t see immediate results. Don’t.


See your plan through. Give it time to grow and progress will happen.

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