There is nothing like a dream to create the future - Victor Hugo
Your Book of Business – Week Two

Your Book of Business – Week Two

book of business

I can’t control when someone within my Book of Business needs my services, I can only control that when they do, they call me”.

The core of generating referrals from your client base or Book of Business is the relationship you have with those individuals.  Unfortunately, many of us have not kept in touch with our past clients. The question then becomes “How do I restore those relationships?

The first step is always Compile the Information.

Clients you have worked with in the past may be noted in numerous places.  They may be in files in your

office, files on your computer, or even in boxes stacked up in your garage.  All of those records need to be compiled, organized and input into an electronic format.

For many of you that means an Excel spreadsheet.  An Excel spreadsheet is not a database program, it is just a good place to start.  All database programs are set up to import from an Excel spreadsheet.  To start this process will be very labor intensive.  Hire someone to do it for you.  Just make sure you do it.  The light at the end of the tunnel in your sales career depends on it!


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